- [[jz]] - [[metal bands]] - [[endless forms most beautiful]] - [[coffee]] - [[lady burup]] - [[ladee]] - [[dreams]] - [[likes]] - [[flancia]] - [[agora]] - [x] [[aldhari]] - [[flancia house]] - [[agora pkg chapter]] - [ ] write [[chapter outline]] by EOD - [x] decide where should I write it? - hedgedoc is the default? - a shame I haven't set up oauth, but maybe it doesn't matter. I can use the stoa by default and see what happens (tm). - [[overleaf]] could have made sense but it actually doesn't as the format to deliver the chapter is actually [[markdown]]. - well, what about just [[vim]]? :) - [x] locate chapter outline guidelines in the [[pkg book]] website if there are any - none found, but 20 pages a4 max for the full chapter is a nice bit of information to frame it - [x] write - [ ] write - [[todd]] - [x] call hotel by 5pm and see if he's around / has new contact information? - [x] left a message - [x] located - [[opt in writes]] - [ ] rescue that branch from the flight, it's in my travel laptop - fix [[min width]] in some embeds - e.g. in [[pkm book]] pull in [[pkg book]] - [[hashtag support]] - [ ] [[sandra]] requested hashtag equivalence and she's of course right, also it shouldn't be hard to implement :) - [[maya]] - [ ] answer