- Next to last day at home before leaving for a 2w trip! - [x] Need to trip prep - [x] do laundry - [x] start packing - [x] set up new laptop - hostname change is pending - but at least now I have a working [[agora editor]], trusty [[wiki vim]] - moved [[vimrc]] to [[Plug]] from [[vundle]] - like the autoinstall - really liking [[chezmoi]]! - #yoga [[go/move/11]] - [[flancia meet]] - 1h later than usual as I went to bed very late. - I should be more consistent probably though :) - [[agora]] - [[agora bridge]] - [ ] [[opt in]] writes - [ ] bot tweets/toots polls? check out APIs - [[agora server]] - [ ] review PRs - [[social coop]] - met [[akshay]] yesterday [[2022-06-10]]! it was great - we ate lunch with [[pesho]] who showed us around [[university of zurich]] and [[eth zurich]] - [[social coop tech group]] - [ ] use [[docker logs]] to poke around containers and try to find issues with previews - #push [[matrix]] - started a thread discussing whether we might like to run a matrix server for [[social coop]] https://www.loomio.org/d/tOBDu5ap/should-we-run-a-matrix-server- - [[people]] - [[akshay]] - [[diegodlh]] - [[amadeo]] - [[l]] - [[berni]] - [[chris]] - [[iian]] ~ [[codex]] - [[harley ray gray]] ~ [[harleyraygray]] - [ ] respond to twitter thread