# 2021-11-16 - Back from a few days' hiatus as friends were visiting. - It was great! - We socialized more in the last five days than in the last five months and I can tell, though -- I'm a bit wiped (in a nice way). - [[bernardo]] and I are [[coworking]] today. - It seems we'll get a solid [[3h]] of time to work on our projects. - I'll try to make good use of this: https://social.coop/web/statuses/107287160863662611 - [[pomodoros]] - [x] catch up with Twitter and Mastodon notifications - technically I don't need the pomodoro technique to do stuff like being active on social media -- it tends to happen by itself (which is why I'm interested in social media in the first place, at least partly). but I often find it useful to track this kind of thing as a pomodoro anyway; it works in the other direction as well, by helping me keep track of the passage of time. - [ ] catch up with messages on Matrix - [ ] [[agora bot]] -- write links to tweets/toots in a per-wikilink file - [ ] [[write]] - [[me tiene las pelotas llenas]] - maybe not constructive enough? - but I'll try to make it so - [[lists]] - [ ] [[edit]] - I keep not getting to editing [[flancia.org]]. - [[pattern]] - [[patterns]] - an [[agora]] is a repository of [[patterns]] and [[intentions]]. - [[quote tweet]] - [[quote toot]] - [[intentions]] - [[pesos]] - [[stream]] - [[vera]] told - [[j0lms]] - [[mohammed aldhari]] - [[xin0]] - [[engels]] - [[schelling]] - [[schelling and revelation]] - [[lorand]] - [[dojo dojo]] - my [[meditation practice]] - [[sophia xu]] - [[knowledge metaverse]]