- an [[intent]]. - #pull [[values]] [[goals]] - I endorse the base [[contract]] of this Agora (which is just [[an agora]]): https://anagora.org. - My [[intents]] and [[values]] as explicit [[lists]] of assertions; they can be assumed to include my declarations of [[knowledge]] and [[belief]] as expressed in [[notes]] and [[resources]] volunteered to this [[Agora]]. - In my particular case these assertions are sometimes organized in [[trees]] and [[graphs]] using the structured allowances given by this [[agora]] as modelled in [[agora paper]], [[agora protocol]] and [[agora rfcs]]. - I [[intend]] to dedicate a [[meaningful fraction]] of my [[free time]] and [[resources]] to improve the world. - #push [[manifesto]] - I am a [[Flancian]] and this is my [[manifesto]]: - In [[Flancia]] there is no [[poverty]]. - In [[Flancia]] there is no [[privilege]]. - In [[Flancia]] we will [[meet]]. - Through this [[Agora]] I try to contribute to the development of a freer, open, progressive global society and projects or [[public utility]]. - Because I am unskillful, I need your help. I am open to any [[feedback]] anytime. I am active on social media. - [[twitter]] - https://twitter.com/flancian/status/1360327797034651650 - https://twitter.com/flancian/status/1360326738480418820 - https://twitter.com/flancian/status/1357031412914864131