# 2020-12-26 - [[john-cowper-powys]] - Tried [[logseq]] again: https://twitter.com/flancian/status/1342788261232734209 - Unfortunately it seems costly to add [[Agora]] support for logseq gardens :( - Asked [[twitter]] about a [[digital garden configuration]] [[standard]]. - [[paleoludic]] told me about [[the cloud of unknowing]]. - [[nbhdlady]] told me about [[capsule wardrobe]]. - Ran into the [[open graph protocol]]. - [[rdf]] - [[turtle]] - [[rdf-serialization-formats]] - [[mid career greatest hits]] - [[wolfram]] - [[the agora is a social network built by the people for the people]] - [[pernambuco e seu conjunto]] - [[search and annotation are complementary]] - Played [[divinity-2-original-sin]] - [[robofriend]]