# What Do We Mean By ‘Cancelled’? Online criticism takes many forms & has many purposes, and we confuse them to our peril. * * * ### What Do We Mean By ‘Cancelled’? Online criticism takes many forms & has many purposes, and we confuse them to our peril. The differences fall upon several dimensions: * is the target a public person (such as a celebrity) or a private person? * is the criticism an illustration for the purpose of discussion, or do we want to motivate some kind of action? * if we want to motivate action, are we trying to spread awareness so that people can individually decide whether they want to support someone, or are we trying to organize a no-platforming campaign? Or, are we looking to inform authorities of a crime? Or are we trying to minimize future harm in the face of a pattern of abuse by informing people who might otherwise become victims? * are we condemning an action as foolish, or as malicious? Are we condemning it as dangerous? While it’s possible for a particular person to intend a particular instance of ‘cancellation’ to fall anywhere on any of these spectra, there are natural clusters. For instance, a public person who spreads dangerous disinformation with malicious intent will justify a no-platforming campaign; a public or private person who commits a dangerous crime (whether out of ignorance or malice) in the course of their work will tend to have their bosses informed; a private person who acts foolishly will generally merely be the subject of discourse. There is a lucrative industry specializing in misinterpreting all forms of ‘cancellation’ as the most extreme form: the no-platforming and firing of private persons for foolishness. We should be careful to talk about cancellation in such a way that these folks find this misrepresentation more difficult, and in such a way that people who don’t understand the nuances (and perhaps have lent their ears to this particular brand of huckster, coming away with misconceptions) will not easily misunderstand our intent. _(Adapted from_[ _a thread_](https://mobile.twitter.com/enkiv2/status/1281022164834156546) _)_ By [John Ohno](https://medium.com/@enkiv2) on [July 9, 2020](https://medium.com/p/bb799aae8555). [Canonical link](https://medium.com/@enkiv2/what-do-we-mean-by-cancelled- bb799aae8555) Exported from [Medium](https://medium.com) on September 18, 2020.