--- layout: post title: "VentureBlog: Conserving Social Capital" created: 1071710700 categories: - Social Media ---

The article talks about guarding our time and relationships as social networking sites grow.

This neatly parallels some recent experiences of mine with LinkedIn. Scott Loftesness (which is where I saw the pointer to the article) echoes thoughts I had on LinkedIn a while back:

I'm finding there's just not much of a "there there" for me. Nothing that draws me back to regular usage. Somehow expanding LinkedIn's view of my network just doesn't get me excited -- like they think it should! There's certainly nothing there I'd be willing to actually pay LinkedIn for!

Tribe.net and the Vancouver-based Zerendipity are much more interesting to spend time at. Perhaps in part because I've limited connections there to "people I've met in person"?