--- title: Simply Jekyll Template git: https://github.com/bmann/simply-jekyll/ date: 2020-11-24 modified: 2021-01-24 --- Right now, it's just my fork of the [[Simply Jekyll]] theme [[bmann/simply-jekyll::https://github.com/bmann/simply-jekyll/]]. I've done an initial setup of [[Forestry]] with it, and have it building to [[Netlify]]. My plan is to turn it into a Github template repository[^ghtemplate], to make it very simple for people to run. The theme itself is a bit too complicated and custom, so consider this an experiment. After talking to @Flancian, reworking this template -- and renaming it -- so that it can be made to simply connect to [[Anagora]] could be something to work on. [^ghtemplate]: Github's [docs on template repos](https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/github/creating-cloning-and-archiving-repositories/creating-a-template-repository) aren't great. It's to make a copy without forking that is ready to go right away. It means the git repo is completely separate, so updates may be a problem, but you can do many more one-click things with it since it is a completely separate repo.