# Keyboard - [Keyboard Market@Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/mechmarket/search/?q=title:(%22%5BEU-%22)&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) ## Preference 1. wDactyl manuform 2. [x] Charybdis Kit - Netherlands, 56 keys only 3. Kinesis 360 - US, no leds, too many thumb keys 4. Moonlander - US, no concave 5. Ultimate Hacking Keyboard v2 - Hungary, no ortholinear, no tenting, no concave, trackball vs thumb cluster @ the reference/kconfig.html#config ## Desired Features - split - ortholinear - thumb clusters - concave - tenting - kmk (vs qmk) - vial (vs via) - leds ## Layouts - [All layouts charachteristics](https://www.keyboard-design.com/best-layouts.html) - [interesting top layout](https://www.keyboard-design.com/letterlayout.html?layout=hieaqmtsrn.en.ansi) - [Moonlander layouts tutorials](https://configure.zsa.io/moonlander/search?q=programming&page=1&anonymous=false&withTour=true) - [KeymapDB: an open-source db for ergonomic QMKs](https://keymapdb.com/) - [@casuanoob's mouse combos](https://discord.com/channels/681309835135811648/747850558630789210/1214753868882382929): ![@casuanoob's mouse combos](casuanoob-mouse-combos.png) and the [full keymap](https://keymapdb.com/keymaps/casuanoob/) ## Dactyl Manuform - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95etDQ0I-Ls - [Guide for idiots](https://medium.com/swlh/complete-idiot-guide-for-building-a-dactyl-manuform-keyboard-53454845b065) - [Review and build guide](https://benfrain.com/review-dactyl-manuform-an-ergonomic-custom-built-mechanical-keyboard/#:~:text=I've%20built%204%20Dactyl,ve%20been%20really%20enjoying%20mine.) - [Guide for tools & material](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y57lNIpAdT4) - [Etsy 3D printer: wylderbuilds](https://www.etsy.com/shop/Wylderbuilds?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=1179806888) - [Etsy 3D printer: Cyboard](https://www.etsy.com/shop/Cyboard?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=1489087073) - [Oh, Keycaps 3D print](https://ohkeycaps.com/products/built-to-order-dactyl-manuform-keyboard) - [VHD with pad & trackjoystick](https://www.vexc-how-design.com/overview) fron UK - repos: - https://github.com/tshort/dactyl-keyboard - https://github.com/adereth/dactyl-keyboard - https://github.com/jeffgran/ManuForm ## Split keyboards - [6y of experiernce](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CA00USrhOMc) with cursor movements sample - [Moonlander vs Kinesis 360 (11 May '23)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-qkKIpHu9A) - Moonlander tenting (tilt) cumbersome to tune, so dropped - [Enthusiastic reviewer about split ortholinears mechs: Ergodox vs Moonlander](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zEWiAAMLxd4) - [Ultimate Hacking Keyboard (EU)](https://ultimatehackingkeyboard.com/) ## Colemak - [Dreymar Colemak "Big Bag papers"](https://dreymar.colemak.org/layers-extend.html) - and [linux stuff](https://github.com/DreymaR/BigBagKbdTrixXKB) - [Colemakd DH vs Workman @ reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Colemak/comments/j9pxcb/colemak_dh_vs_workman/) - [ColemakDH vs ColemakDHm @ reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Colemak/comments/lbwqfd/colemakdh_vs_colemakdhm/) - [Halmak Reddit criticism](https://www.reddit.com/r/KeyboardLayouts/comments/wjhaqa/is_there_anyone_who_use_halmak_keyboard_layout/) ## Home row mods - [The official QMK tap-hold guide](https://docs.qmk.fm/#/tap_hold) - [The "precondition" guide about ordering them](https://precondition.github.io/home-row-mods) - [Miryoku](https://github.com/manna-harbour/miryoku/tree/master/docs/reference) - [Manna Harbur's Myrioku patches](https://sunaku.github.io/home-row-mods.html#patches) - [Achordion](https://getreuer.info/posts/keyboards/achordion/index.html#add-achordion-to-your-keymap) ## Keycaps $ switches - [Custom with hair-iron](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNZkzK4l0F8&t=0s) - [3D-printed DIY doubleshot keycaps](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2RHdFKCa0yk) - [Quality key caps & swithes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9P,74eCU19d0) - [Jan Lunge discord about German shops](https://discord.com/channels/811709118284955668/811722737981718568/1115950214004613212): - https://keycapsss.com/ - https://candykeys.com/ ## My Charybdis-4x6 keymap - [json layout](https://discord.com/channels/681309835135811648/747850558630789210/1123239395768684564) - my layout diagram - Engram: ```txt [{ 1| 2= 3~ 4+ 5< 6> 7^ 8& 9% 0* ]} /\ bB yY oO uU '( ") lL dD wW vV zZ #$ @` cC iI eE aA ,; .: hH tT sS nN qQ gG xX jJ kK -_ ?! rR mM fF pP ``` - ColemakDH affected by: - [Miryoku](https://github.com/manna-harbour/miryoku) - [Engram](https://sunaku.github.io/engram-keyboard-layout.html): ```txt [{ 1| 2= 3~ 4+ 5< 6> 7^ 8& 9% 0* ]} qQ wW fF pP bB '( ") jJ lL uU yY #$ aA rR sS tT gG ,; .: mM nN eE iI oO zZ xX cC dD vV -_ ?! kK hH #$ /\ @` ``` ```txt [{ 1! 2@ 3# 4$ 5< 6> 7& 8* 9% 0^ ]} qQ wW fF pP bB '( ") jJ lL uU yY |? aA rR sS tT gG ,; .: mM nN eE iI oO zZ xX cC dD vV -_ `~ kK hH #$ /\ =+ Esc, Spc, Tab Back, Del, Enter MT(RAlt, Lang) ``` - forks: - sigvah-3x5 - - [edenmagic-3x6](https://discordapp.com/channels/681309835135811648/1193283421619888169/1193382703853215844) - automouse threshold - [Set RGB-color per layer](https://discordapp.com/channels/681309835135811648/1065902106659274762/1065915197270790174)