# 2023-08-19 > **WARNING - BREACHING NET FUCKED BY 2050**: MAY CONTAIN BLOODY SPOILERS, READ AT OWN RISK! Trying to hide some emotional baggage because of this. * Previously on [[2023-08-18]], note that time and date are in Philippine Standard Time as I write this, although you do you use UTC for simplicity. * Anything that done during the night (between 22:00 and 05:00 the next day) * OSS contributions * (past midnight cut-off but still) * Across the interwebs * From the #ReleaseRadar: [**MURDER DRONES - Episode 6: Dead End**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7i6fi3z9Nk) - CW: MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH![^1][^2] * _'From "Yet, I still feel nothing" to "Uzi, I trust you," that's some character development right there.'_ ([comment](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7i6fi3z9Nk&lc=UgxFgyv7cQ3-hHojUTJ4AaABAg)) * [Cyn](https://murder-drones.fandom.com/wiki/Cyn) were also there, attempting to take over Uzi. [Or maybe Doll?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7i6fi3z9Nk&lc=Ugy6ozPHb_hLCvfU8FN4AaABAg) * Also happened during the permiere: [**UPDATE LINK TITLE SOON**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjx3Vqp6Wt8&) [^1]: Per [wiki](https://murder-drones.fandom.com/wiki/Serial_Designation_V#%22Dead_End%22), V's status is still unknown after lift's cables snap as more chaos ensured. The reason is "presumed (legally) dead, but no evidence of on-screen death". [^2]: Torture were also involved, especially some robotic head decapitation (we're not talking about [this], but instead of Aunt Nina killing Rocky for telling the truth about his and Freckle's activities, ). --- Tags: #dailynotes #daily-notes