* Previously on [[2023-08-13]], note that time and date are in Philippine Standard Time as I write this, although you do you use UTC for simplicity. * Holy bananas, I'm started to read the [[Lackadaisy]] webcomic from the top. Currently at [#21](https://lackadaisy.com/comic.php?comicid=21) * OSS work at [[recaptime.dev]] or whatever * Other than ironing some stuff at * Personal side projects * Doing some notes wrangling across my digital garden behind the scenes in the morning * Some BTS chores on blog and personal website after literal months of ~~procrastinating~~ being in rest vacation from burnout and school. * Across the interwebs * Who's digging through the voice recording session archives? Holy shit, I found [two](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gWQNIozZgU&pp=ygUYbGFja2FkYWlzeSBmcmVja2xlIGxhdWdo) [of them](https://youtu.be/suvE21IB8VQ).