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πŸ“„ 20210302133927-the_revolutionary_karl_kautsky_cosmonaut.md by @ryan

The Revolutionary Karl Kautsky | Cosmonaut

source : https://cosmonaut.blog/2021/02/01/the-revolutionary-karl-kautsky-with-ben-lewis/

tags : [[revolution]] [[Karl Kautsky]]

related to : [[Jacobin]]


  • [[Vladimir Lenin]] was the first and most influential person to malign Kautsky
  • [[Stalin]]’s short course also minimized the role of Kautsky
  • Throughout the early socialist movement there was a strong emphasis on [[republicanism]], and Kautsky also wrote about this
    • Perhaps this was because many early socialist countries were also effectively autocracies, and republicanism was relatively radical compared to that
  • [[Engels]] said that the [[French Third Republic]] was β€œan empire without an empire”
  • Kautsky felt that [[direct democracy]] was of only limited use, and criticized other socialists over it
  • Probably not useful to think of the [[SPD]] as just a [[labor party]], but as a Marxist party that degenerated


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