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πŸ“„ 2014-08-07-taking-equity-startups-consulting.md by @bmann

Event: How to structure part-equity consulting deals

Since these types of questions keep coming up, I put up a suggested meetup to see how many people are interested in talking more about this. As well as the questions and concepts above, this is what I wrote to set the stage for the event:

This will be an agency / consulting centric discussion on when, how, and why to enter into contracts with clients that involve equity.

As an agency that mainly charges hourly fees, is this a way for you to get a piece of potential upside?

When should you agree to an equity deal? How do you structure it? What kind of return can I expect from being an investor in a product company?

We’ll start with a brief overview of early stage startup investing and some of the basic terminology, and then we’ll get into the trickier questions of when it makes sense to do an equity deal.

Signup on the PixelCrafters meetup if you’re interested in participating Β»

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