πŸ“• Node [[2009-06-17-social-media-is]]
↳ πŸ““ Resource @bmann/2009 06 17 social media is
πŸ“„ 2009-06-17-social-media-is.md by @bmann

layout: post title: “Social media is\xE2\x80\xA6” created: 1245265972 categories: - cake - Twitter - Social Media - Web 2.0

…cake. Sort of. John Ounpuu made an interesting comment the other day that I re-tweeted: Social is not a new type of icing. It’s a new way of thinking about your cake. I then got a number of good responses. From Travis: Actually, social is a new way of deciding what to make — as Marie Antoinette found, the people might not want to eat cake. And then from Justin: Social is a cake fight. Everyone has a cake, and they’re all throwing it at each other and trying to dodge. Fun stuff, and a good excuse to make a summary blog post.

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