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πŸ“„ 2006-11-06-industrial-brand-creative-blogging-up-a-storm.md by @bmann

layout: post title: Industrial Brand Creative blogging up a storm created: 1162836183 categories: - Social Media - Vancouver - Industrial Brand Creative

Industrial Brand Creative is a local Vancouver branding and design group. They're a great bunch of guys, do great design work, and are also slightly nuts.They've got a great blog called "We're not wired right". I guess I would have to agree…the current post features, um, men's tight swimwear and some special add-ons.I was reminded that I hadn't "introduced" their blog to lots of other folks when I saw Ben Garfinkel, an IBC Partner and Creative Director, at the Ukrainian Church Perogie dinner last Friday. So, consider them introduced — one more great piece of the Vancouver ecosystem. P.S. Check out their Kitchen as well…I'd love to have a cook off with their team one of these days… 

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