πŸ“• Node [[2006-09-26-back-from-belgium]]
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πŸ“„ 2006-09-26-back-from-belgium.md by @bmann

layout: post title: Back from Belgium created: 1159282601 categories: - euro oscon - eurooscon06 - DrupalCon - Barcamp Brussels - belgium - govcamp - Vancouver - Personal

mmm...waffleI've just gotten back from a whirlwind conferennnce tour — Euro OSCON, GovCamp, DrupalCon Brussels, and BarCamp Brussels, all packed into a little less than a week in Belgium.I acknowlege that I'm pretty much hopeless when it comes to conference blogging: my mind is spinning with all the talks and face to face meetups with people, and I can't seem to slow down to get something useful posted.I did manage to write up two lengthy posts relating to discussions with Ton Zijlstra at BarCamp Brussels, which I'll be posting later today, and I uploaded a handful of pictures to my Flickr account. Now to dive back into work…talk soon!

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