πŸ“• Node [[2006-04-20-stop-with-the-guest-posting-already]]
↳ πŸ““ Resource @bmann/2006 04 20 stop with the guest posting already
πŸ“„ 2006-04-20-stop-with-the-guest-posting-already.md by @bmann

layout: post title: Stop with the guest posting already created: 1145521428 categories: - guest posts - Robert Scoble - Joi Ito - Om Malik - rant - Social Media

Um, can we stop with the guest posting already? If I wanted to subscribe to other people….I'd subscribe to them. We have a time honoured tradition of pointing to off-blog content…it's called a "link", or perhaps a "quote". Want to have more than one "voice"? Great…there are lots of different systems that allow more than one person to blog. And let me name names — Scoble, Joi, and Om. Please, stop. Or have a separate, guest blog feed that I can *choose* to subscribe to. Thanks for listening to the rant.

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