πŸ“• Node [[2004-08-24-cheap-home-networking-companies-are-now-selling-voip-adapters]]
↳ πŸ““ Resource @bmann/2004 08 24 cheap home networking companies are now selling voip adapters
πŸ“„ 2004-08-24-cheap-home-networking-companies-are-now-selling-voip-adapters.md by @bmann

layout: post title: Cheap home networking companies are now selling VoIP adapters created: 1093368589 categories: - VoIP

I’ve been predicting this for months, and it looks like it’s finally happened: the commodity-networking companies are starting to do VoIP. Yesterday, both Netgear and Linksys announced deals with Vonage. scottstuff: Netgear and Linksys enter the ring

With these cheap VoIP adapters now on the scene, the next step in the commodity chain is IP-PBX appliances.

Scott also points out that Froogle thinks I sell the DVG-1120.

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