πŸ“• Node [[2004-06-17-my-ilec-charges-me-to-call-numbers-10-miles-away]] ⟢ subnode @bmann/2004 06 17 my ilec charges me to call numbers 10 miles away
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πŸ“„ _posts/archive/2004-06-17-my-ilec-charges-me-to-call-numbers-10-miles-away.md contributed by πŸ‘€ @bmann

layout: post title: My ILEC charges me to call numbers 10 miles away created: 1087497080 categories: - VoIP

I can call pretty much every industrialized country in the world via VoIP for less then my ILEC charges me to call numbers 10 miles away. scottstuff: New rates for NuFone

Toll bypass is a great motivator. People see the difference between $50 long distance bills and $5 bills pretty clearly. Me, I know I’m going to be paying for communications fees at some level, I’m happy to pay for extra features.

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