πŸ“• Node [[2004-03-01-rolands-big-move]]
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layout: post title: Roland’s big move created: 1078128480 categories: - E-smith - Drupal - Personal Publishing - Roland Tanglao - Movable Type - Wordpress - E-smith - Web Development

<a href="http://www.rolandtanglao.com/2004/02/29.html#a6386" title="Roland Tanglao: Goodbye Radio, it's been great">Roland is making a big move</a>. Switching blogging platforms (Radio to Movable Type), switching hosting platforms (Windows to Linux), then moving his host to a co-lo. Wow!

This is a <strong>Big Job&trade;</strong>. Good luck with everything, Roland.
We&#39;ve talked about this (briefly) before...any reason that you settled on MovableType other than that you are an old Perl hacker? This is a big move, and something you likely only want to do once.

<a href="http://www.wordpress.org">WordPress</a> is still my current choice for best personal publishing system. You know what <a href="http://www.drupal.org" title="My choice for best personal publishing platform is Drupal">my choice</a> would be if it wasn&#39;t a personal site (although it can be <a href="http://www.bmannconsulting.com" title="My personal site B. Mann Consulting is Drupal-powered">good for that</a>, too). :p

Also, your choice of a Linux distro will likely cause holy wars, but that would also be an interesting topic. If you want easy server-type stuff through a web interface, I&#39;m still pushing <a href="http://www.e-smith.org">E-smith</a> and have written a bunch of tutorials on <a href="http://www.bmannconsulting.com/node/view/5" title="How to setup e-smith">how to setup e-smith</a>.

Did I ever tell you that I push and push and push in my role of Devil&#39;s Advocate? I know it can be annoying, but it&#39;s because I truly want to understand the choices people make, to see if I should re-evaluate my own.

<em>Note: this <strong>almost</strong> got posted to my <a href="http://links.bmannconsulting.com" title="Boris' Link Blog">links blog</a> instead of here. The insidious ease of one-click <a href="http://www.bookmarklets.com/">bookmarklet</a> blogging is what (almost) made me do it. Note to self: kick-start bookmarklet development for Drupal again.</em>

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