πŸ“• Node [[2003-11-12-noaa-experimental-listings-of-watches-warnings-and-advisoriesby-state-and-territory]]
↳ πŸ““ Resource @bmann/2003 11 12 noaa experimental listings of watches warnings and advisoriesby state and territory
πŸ“„ 2003-11-12-noaa-experimental-listings-of-watches-warnings-and-advisoriesby-state-and-territory.md by @bmann

layout: post title: NOAA - Experimental Listings of Watches, Warnings, and Advisoriesby State and Territory created: 1068674160 categories: - RSS Weather - NOAA - CAP

The NOAA have started experimenting with an <a href="http://weather.gov/alerts/">alerts page</a> offering both RSS and XML feeds. The XML feed is <acronym title="Common Alerting Protocol">CAP</acronym>, or Common Alerting Protocol. There is a <a href="http://www.incident.com/cap/what-why-how.html">mini-FAQ</a> explaining CAP. It is briefly described on the NOAA page:
Common Alertings Protocol (CAP) is an non-proprietary standard data format for the interchange of hazard warning and reports.
This is an experimental service, and any comments should be submitted to the <a href="http://weather.gov/survey/nws-survey.php?code=rss-cap-wwa">feedback page</a> by December 30, 2003. Submitted comments will &quot;help determine the future of the product&quot;.

News of this was posted to the <a href="http://www.quicktopic.com/em/H/aZRarGycKBuyE/" title="RSS Weather QuickTopic">RSS Weather</a> mailing list. You can view (and respond) using the web forum, as well as subscribe to the list.

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