πŸ“• Node [[2003-11-12-cowiki]]
↳ πŸ““ Resource @bmann/2003 11 12 cowiki
πŸ“„ 2003-11-12-cowiki.md by @bmann

layout: post title: coWiki created: 1068654660 categories: - Web 2.0 - PHP

From the front page:
coWiki is a free (GPL) tool written in PHP 5 which creates a collaborative website that gathers, organizes and extends knowledge. It can manage text documents and binaries, act like a weblog or organize knowledge bases such as FAQs.

coWiki provides an easy way to maintain and discuss its documents. It also provides a fast way for qualified contributors to create content online, using a simple and easy to apply markup language without needing HTML editing skills.

coWiki is template based, multilingual and modular.

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