* [[silverbullet]]: * should open the daily on startup? - [[go/daily]] achieves this for me for now ;) e.g. [[go/daily]] or just use the embed in anagora.org/daily. - going over "old" (and new) notebooks, trying to make sense of the hugely distributed task list they imply :) - happy to see that a lot actually happened in the last 1-2 quarters! - I'm thinking this could be a nice 'tradition' to reinforce on the [[17ths]], being [[Maitreya day]] ;) - [[do]]: - [[numbers]] pull all number-related actions, e.g. [[557]] (example comes from a notebook) pulls [[hex/557]], [[prime/557]] and any others we have in the future. - [[today]] should probably pull today's date instead of redirecting? maybe! - next steps on [[activitypub]] - define [[equivalence classes]] in the Agora; right now they're implicit and a bit of a mess? - [[oauth]] is mentioned so often in my todos that I wonder how it is I actually haven't even started on it! - I think at some point I wanted to do these flows through [[agora bridge]] instead of [[agora server]]? - But that might have been a mistake/complicating stuff needlessly? - [[open letters]] show up profusely in the last 1.5 years, yet I have not properly published a single one since (except by default in the Agora, like pretty much everything I write that is not work related) - [[Building Bridges]] - [[Beyond Markdown and Git]] - [[Open Letter to Google]] - [[Open Letter to the Agora]] - [[Open Letter to the Sangha]] - develop [[whisper]] as an action ( - "[[Flancia]] is a [[Pattern Language]], the [[Agora]] is a [[Pattern Repository]]" -- from a notebook.