- My individual [[Silverbullet]] instance at edit.anagora.org was down for a bit -- I ended up updating the container and setting up a crontjob that will do it for me. - I'm thinking next step should be to put together a [[coop cloud]] recipe? - I'd love to host this for many people in anagora.org or agor.ai. - In that case it would make sense to have e.g. flancian.agor.ai be my silverbullet instance, and offer user.agor.ai in general. - Same for anagora.org? Or should I start there, I wonder? - [[abelard.org]] looks [[weird]]/[[interesting]]. - I got to it via a #hn thread linking to its copy of [[Profession]] by [[Asimov]]. - I keep noding both from [[wiki vim]] and [[silverbullet]] and the journal entries end up in different files. - I'm not particularly bothered by it -- this brings up the question of how to ideally show such things in the [[Agora of Flancia]] :)